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Become a sponsor

We're a small non-profit seeking to make big economic impact for Alburgh and our region. Our programming would not be possible without supporters like you.

Help us make an impact!

We couldn't do this without you!

See what your sponsorship
dollars make possible.

With your support, we're not just organizing events; we're crafting opportunities for economic enrichment, cultural celebration, and community connection. Your sponsorship is an investment in a brighter, more vibrant future for our community. Let's create something unforgettable together.

  • Sustaining Operations: Keep our mission alive and impactful.
  • Economic Boost: Propel local businesses and rural prosperity.
  • Supporting Creativity: Fair pay for artists and musicians.
  • Expanding Reach: Drive attendance through targeted marketing.
  • Safety First: Secure and carefree event experiences.
  • Eco-Responsibility: Championing cleanliness and sustainability.
  • Seamless Access: Easy event utilities and transportation.


Alburgh, Franklin County, and Grand Isle County are a vibrant lake community with bustling local businesses. Our Peninsula Partner Sponsorship Tiers are designed to support our community and boost our local economy. We recognize the importance of local business and so we have designed a special sponsorship entry point for our community.

Peninsula Partners:

Logo Visibility: Premier placement on event materials and digital platforms.
Blog Post: A dedicated, SEO-optimized blog post about your brand’s partnership.
Email Promotion: Priority mention in subscriber emails.
Social Media: At least 5 mentions across social media
Vendor Table: Complimentary table at the event in a premium location.
Event Input: Opportunity to submit suggestions for future event planning.
Support Showcase: A dedicated section on our website highlighting your support.
Peninsula Partner Sponsors highlight the power-house local businesses that make Alburgh awesome! Our Peninsula Partner Sponsorships are specially reserved for businesses based in Alburgh, Franklin, or Grand Isle County.

Peninsula Partners:


Logo Visibility: Prominent display of your logo on our website and event materials.

Blog Post: Highlight in a blog post about your brand’s involvement.
Email Promotion: Regular mentions in subscriber emails.
Social Media: At least 3 mentions across Facebook and Twitter.
Vendor Table: Complimentary table at the event in a strategic location.
Event Input: Opportunity to submit suggestions for future event planning.
Support Showcase: A dedicated section on our website highlighting your support.
Peninsula Partner Sponsors highlight the power-house local businesses that make Alburgh awesome! Our Peninsula Partner Sponsorships are specially reserved for businesses based in Alburgh, Franklin, or Grand Isle County.

Peninsula Partners:

Logo Visibility: Your logo featured on the event website.
Social Media: 4 mentions on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
Vendor Table: Complimentary table at the event.
Event Input: Opportunity to submit suggestions for future event planning.
Support Showcase: A dedicated section on our website highlighting your support.
Peninsula Partner Sponsors highlight the power-house local businesses that make Alburgh awesome! Our Peninsula Partner Sponsorships are specially reserved for businesses based in Alburgh, Franklin, or Grand Isle County.


The Founders Circle

Prominent logo placement
Logo included in marketing emails for all events
Dedicated sponsor highlight email for all events
Weekly social media highlights leading up to all events
Advise on Gateway Festivals programming
Behind-the-scenes access to events for exclusive content
Collaborate on experiences that showcase your product
Stage naming rights for all events
Complimentary vendor booth at all events
Thank you and shoutout from our MC at all events
Our Founding Sponsors are the consistent driving force behind the success of Gateway Festivals. Founders get benefits at all Gateway Festival events in perpetuity and have the option to help shape our programming.

Galactic Guardians

Prominent logo placement for Alburgh Totality Festival (ATF)
Logo included in marketing emails for ATF
Get featured in a Galactic Guardians marketing email
Get featured in 2 dedicated posts across our social media
Complimentary vendor booth at ATF
Thank you and shoutout from our MC at ATF
Our Galactic Guardians are dedicated supporters of the Alburgh Totality Festival and receive special attention and brand placement for the event.

Solar Sovereigns

Logo placement for ATF event
Get featured in a Solar Sovereign marketing email
Be included in 2 dedicated Solar Sovereign posts across our social media
Complimentary vendor booth at ATF
Our Solar Sovereigns are dedicated supporters of the Alburgh Totality Festival and receive special attention and brand placement for the event.

Lunar Luminaries

Logo placement for ATF event
Get featured in a Lunar Luminary marketing email
Be included in 1 dedicated Lunar Luminary post across our social media
Complimentary vendor booth at ATF
Our Lunar Luminaries are dedicated supporters of the Alburgh Totality Festival and receive special marketing benefits for the event.

Stellar Supporters

Logo placement for ATF event
Get featured in a Stellar Supporter marketing email
Complimentary vendor booth at ATF
Our Stellar Supporters are dedicated champions of the Alburgh Totality Festival and receive special marketing benefits for the event.


We're thrilled that you're considering a sponsorship.

Please complete the form below and someone from our team will reach out to you about next steps.